Early Spring Cleaning

时间:2019-01-03 来源:专四/八试题 点击:

Has anyone noticed how fast 2004 is going? Hey, we are in December already. I really like December not only because peopleare nicer to each other and all the pretty decorations are around,but people stop and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Did you get that gift you wanted last year from your husband orwife or are you wishing for it again this year? I encourage you to go for it and I also want to invite you to accept a FREE gift that is greater than any gift you can imagine. That gift is to accept Jesus into your home and most importantly into your life this Christmas. Make it a personal gift. You do not have to go shopping for it, you do not have to wish or beg for it, just simply ask and it will be given to you.

In return for the gift of inviting Jesus to dine with you and livein you, do some early spring cleaning. Think of all the thingsthat are worrying you and getting you down. Give them to Jesus,he will gladly accept them. Most importantly tell him thank youfor taking them from you. Do not worry that he can"t handle them,he can handle truck loads of worry.

Give Jesus your bad habits and all those little things that wecall sins. Tell him all about them. Jesus will listen and there"sno bad habit or sin he can"t fix. As a matter of fact the pricefor our sins has already been paid. Once we repent, we are forgiven. Look, more early spring cleaning finished. Don"t worry Jesus can handle everything and help us clean up our acts. He really wants to do this for us.

Is there someone you"re not speaking to or can"t get along with?Tell Jesus your problems. He"s willing to listen and he reallydoes care. He will help you make amends. If we just give it all to Jesus this Christmas and every day of our lives, by spring we might just need to bring out the dust cloth because things will be so much cleaner and lighter. There will be joy instead of sadnessand a peacefulness within that is sometimes hard to explain.

Please, early spring clean and give it all to Jesus each and everyday.

Kandi White is the author of Hours of Pure Gold, an ebook of Inspiration, Motivation, and Gratitude, a resource to help you find your true purpose in life. http://www.hoursofpuregold.com






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