Staycation 在本国度假

时间:2018-12-05 来源:地道英语 点击:

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    Feifei: 大家好,欢迎收听由BBC制作的《地道英语》。我是冯菲菲。

    Diarmuid: And I’m Diarmuid. So I’ve got a present for you Fefei. Here you are.

    Feifei: Oh thank you… er, what is it?

    Diarmuid: It’s a stick of rock.

    Feifei: A stick of rock. 怎么能在岩石里插一根棍子呢?But sticks are made of wood.

    Diarmuid: Indeed they are. But this is not a real stick and it’s not made of rock either. It’s a kind of sweet or candy that they sell at the seaside.

    Feifei: But why is it called rock if it is a sweet?

    Diarmuid: Try taking a bite.

    Feifei: Ok.

    (Crunching sound)

    Girls on Blackpool beach

    Blackpool has been a holiday destination for many years

    Feifei: Ow! My teeth! 这个糖也太硬了吧,差点儿把我的牙都崩了。

    Diarmuid: Now you know why it’s called rock.

    Feifei: 这糖上面好像还写着一个什么词。What does that word say?

    Diarmuid: It says Blackpool. That’s a holiday resort in the north of England.

    Feifei: Blackpool 是英格兰一个著名旅游度假胜地。

    Diarmuid: Yes, this year I decided to go on holiday here in the UK instead of going to foreign country.

    Feifei: So you had a staycation?

    Diarmuid: Exactly. This year I had a staycation. S.T.A.Y.C.A.T.I.O.N. And that’s our Authentic Real English word of the day.

    Feifei: Staycation. it sounds like the word vacation.

    Diarmuid: Yes, it’s a new word that reflects the current economic situation in the UK.

    Feifei: 世界金融危机,英国也没能逃掉,所以很多英国人现在选择在英国境内度假来省钱。So staycation is a newly invented word that represents a current trend in the UK.

    Diarmuid: Yes. The word has two parts: stay, as in stay here in Britain. And –cation which is part of the word vacation.

    Feifei: So a staycation is a holiday when you stay in your own country instead of going abroad.


    A: Where are you going on holiday this year?

    B: I’m having a staycation. I’m going to stay in the UK and go camping in the countryside.

    A: What a good idea for saving money.

    Feifei: So did you enjoy your holiday in Blackpool.

    Diarmuid: Yes, it was great… except for the terrible weather… and the bad food… and the terrible nightlife… and the miserable people… did I say it rained everyday.

    Feifei: (over Diarmuid’s complaining)哎呀,听起来冬天在英国度假好像不怎么好玩儿。大家可以随时登陆 来收听更多英语教学节目。Never mind Diarmuid. Have some rock to cheer yourself up.

    Diarmuid: Oh, thanks.

    (crunching sound)

    Diarmuid: Ow!

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