
时间:2018-12-20 来源:数学 点击:


Online anger-release "stores" have become extremely popular with young netizens, as shop owners are paid to listen to complaints, confidential secrets and even scoldings from customers.

"I was inspired by my female friends who like to confide their troubles about family, study and work. I prefer to call my store a `recycle station` for pressure and annoyance," said Wang Ping, a female owner of an anger-release store in Shanghai.
来自上海的 “讨骂网店”店主王平(音译)表示:“我的几个闺蜜很喜欢向别人倾诉家庭、工作和学习上的烦心事,正是她们启发我开了这个网店。我愿意将自己的网店称为压力和烦恼的‘回收站’。”

More than 400 online stores are offering anger-release services, according to a keyword search on Taobao, the major domestic online market in China.

Depending on the price, the service offers a customer the chance to complain to the worker within a limited period without any boundaries as a way of releasing anger or stress.

Customers typically pay with a debit or credit card and store owners guarantee anonymity.

Different stores offer a price list categorized either by time or requirements.

Normally, it costs about 1 yuan for a 10-minute period, in which the customers are allowed to say and complain about anything they want, even saying curse words.

The advertisements for the online stores highlight "Get rid of high pressure", "Enjoy scolding", "Best way to relax" and so on to attract netizens as a new way to deal with the stresses of the daily life.

According to Wang, the generation born after 1980 forms the majority of customers at her store.

They are suffering troubles on careers and families - two of the most essential components in daily life. The troubles include problems between couples and their relationships, work pressures, and family relations between newlyweds and in- laws.

"I think it is a good way for me to express my anger and frustration. Sometimes my supervisor blames me for trifles and I cannot lose my temper easily in front of a girlfriend or close friends," said Lang Lihan, a 25-year-old male white collar worker.

Store owners say they are glad to help young netizens deal with their increasingly stressful lives.

"To comfort them, I always give out my own opinions and suggestions by the end of their talking, complaining or even angry scolding. Hopefully my service can help them resolve their troubles, " said Wang.

相关词汇  更多信息请访问:http://www.24en.com/

anonymity 无名,匿名
confide 向...吐露(隐私、秘密等)
curse 骂人的话
in- laws 亲家
newlywed 新婚夫妇
scolding 责骂
scolded 挨骂
trifle 琐事,小事






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