Should Judgeships Be a Political Event?

时间:2019-04-17 来源:考试作文 点击:

Thought of the day; Questions about the judicial system. If the judgeships in our country are political positions based on the way they are chosen, either by election or by appointment and often debated by opposing politicians, then is there really a three branches of government? And if there is not three separate and unique branches then how can we base our trust in any of the other two branches. And is such an obvious question not adding to the mistrust already inherent in the dog eat dog world of politics? If the Judgeships in this country can be either lobbied against or for by other branches and cause a sway in their future opinions then in fact we are blowing smoke up our rears to think that we have a quote FAIR system. If we lie to our selves about the vary nature of our court system, then that proves nothing.

Since we live in the greatest and closest to fair nation in the World why not work on completing the process admit our mistakes and let justice run its "true" course. Can we say with a straight face that there is actually justice in this country? I think the intent has been lost along the way somewhere. If someone has a better idea then lets here it, but as it stands we have violated our Constitutional promise to ourselves and we are the ones to blame, not the perpetrators, lobbyists or the judges listening to such, as they are all human and will do what humans so often do? Screw things up. Perhaps we should abandon the three branches of government equation since we do not use it anyway in its rightful context. Perhaps the Constitution needs some re-working, because it is not working in this regard. I mean, everything is working fine as long as we admit that we are cheating our selves out of our constitutional rights, after all, we are the people and we are the government, right? Why change since everything is working so well these days. After all it is so easy to continue the charade and lying to our selves and pretending everything is great in the Roman Empire?

Hey without blasting anyone on this issue or giving more content to the political late night TV shows. Who the heck are we kidding any way. Why do we have the blocking of appointments of Judgeships? Why are judgeships political events? Why are Sheriffs? District Attorneys? Why not have a royal family and king and royal court and throw away this non-sense of equality and truth, justice and the American way? We do not live it, we just talk it, who are we kidding really? The next generation? Why, so they will work hard so we can get our Social Security now, knowing that they will be holding a bag? The former emperor with no clothes is not any worse than the lies and promises we purport now? And believe you, I am not complaining, happy to be American and happy to live here and participate, but surely we can do better than the faade and charade with politician judges?

If we want the system to be correct, we must as a Nation set down ground rules for truth and revise the system to work in accordance with the wishes of the masses, founders of our Constitution and of course government can get back to its true mission of protecting people from enemies foreign and domestic, instead of fighting ourselves and fighting over the means to get the ends that we all want anyway. All this infighting over nominations and appointments is rather silly and it shows how ridiculous the process and system is and makes fools of us in our own living rooms. Surely the greatest civilization in the history of mankind can do better than this? Is this the best we got? Truth, Justice and The American Way? Show me.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;






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